As their popularity increased and they became a more cohesive duo this lead to concerns, voiced by Carmac, that they would inevitably find a better opportunity for work outside of the ESL. "BitterdaM", as they were now known, known as casted all of the high profile IEM events in the 2011 season together as well as the European Blizzard Invitational and Lone Star Clash. The partnership seemed to do only good things for the casters as the were invited to more tournaments within Europe and even in the US. ESL then announced a trio of new shows that the duo would host: "The grass is always greener", "Map of the Month" and a continuation of MrBitter's old program "12 weeks with the pros", the last of which never came to fruition. This long-term casting partner was found in MrBitter. This inspired ESL to begin searching for a new, permanent, co-caster for RotterdaM. Later DeMusliM announced his decision to move to America and to move in to the EG Lair.
This educational show was an attempt to teach ESL product manager Carmac how to play StarCraft II. RotterdaM also began the show "Rotterdam University". DeMusliM became a frequent co-caster with RotterdaM which led to the show "All Eyes on DeMusliM" charting the return of the "Devil Terran" after his absence, due to injury, from the eSports scene. He moved in with British progamer DeMusliM, who had moved to Cologne to participate in another ESL run tournament, EPS, and be closer to the unofficial European hub of esports. He moved to Cologne, Germany and began commentating tournaments broadcasted by ESL TV, like the Go4SC2 bi-weekly cup and IEM. In November 2010, Rotterdam announced that he had began working for Turtle Entertainment ( ESL TV) as their main English StarCraft II commentator.
He eventually decided he wanted to switch to StarCraft II full-time and joined Dutch professional gaming team Serious Gaming alongside NaNiwa. He was at this time competing professionally in Heroes of Newerth. Rotterdam started playing the beta shortly after the release of the first beta keys. While he does not play professionally he practices often in order to keep up his knowledge of the game. RotterdaM later stopped competing professionally and instead put his talents towards becoming a successful analytical commentator. RotterdaM was formerly a Warcraft III professional gamer & commentator and later a captain of a professional Heroes of Newerth team before switching to playing StarCraft II.